(thanks to shauseth and cto_junior for inputs)

The term “jugaad” is a Hindi word that refers to a form of resourceful problem-solving that is characterized by flexibility, adaptability, and innovation. It has been gaining attention in global development as a sustainable solution in resource-constrained settings. However, jugaad’s true potential is not limited to addressing the needs of the underprivileged; it also has the potential to serve as an overarching ideology for navigating complexity and uncertainty in the 21st century.

At its core, jugaad is a form of “frugal innovation” that uses improvisation, creativity, and collaboration to achieve objectives in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It is a mindset that is characterized by a “make-do” attitude and a willingness to work with whatever is available. Jugaad also emphasizes the importance of iteration and experimentation, which allows for learning, adaptation, and continuous improvement.

This approach is particularly well-suited for solving the complex and ever-evolving problem of developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). Traditional AI research has been heavily reliant on expensive computational power and dedicated infrastructure. However, with the rise of cloud computing and the democratization of data and algorithms, the cost of access to these resources has rapidly decreased. This, coupled with jugaad-inspired innovations such as Google Colab notebooks and cost-arbitrage, has made AGI research more accessible and cost-effective - it allows individuals on a shoestring budget to utilise unconventional methods and make promising advances.

Jugaad innovation excels in high-entropy conditions, where traditional methods are not robust enough. This is one of the reasons it’s becoming the go-to approach for developing AGI. The problem of AGI, which is still in its early stages of development, is an ideal candidate for such an approach. The ideology of effective jugaad has several key features that distinguish it from traditional approaches to problem-solving. Effective jugaad prioritizes the pursuit of “good enough” solutions over perfection, allowing for rapid implementation and a focus on outcomes. It also embraces collaboration and collective action, recognizing that the best solutions often emerge from the collective intelligence of a diverse group of individuals.

In conclusion, jugaad represents a powerful and resourceful approach to innovation that is well-suited for the challenging task of developing AGI. It prioritizes adaptability, experimentation, and the ability to creatively navigate constraints and limitations. It’s not just in India but a global phenomenon of local innovators solving global problems, with effective cost-arbitrage. And it is with these principles that we believe we can achieve our goal of building AGI that is robust and can work in any entropy level, and cost-effective enough to be accessible to all.